Classical Indian Music
Reshma Srivastava
from Allahabad-India
Tabla accompaniment by Yannis Zannis
On Friday 16th of October 2015
at Πangea World Music Center
Pallados 20, Psyrri, 5th floor
Time 21.30, Entrance 6 euro
World reknown performing artist Reshma Srivastava, M. A. was born into a family of professional musicians in Allahabad, India. Her uncle, Prof. Satish Chandra, an artist from the Pt. Ravi Shankar’s tradition, was her first teacher.
Reshma began her life long musical career on the sitar when she was six years old. At eight, she gave her first public performance and began broadcasting on the radio even earlier. An "A" grade artist, her childhood performances are still being played on the radio in India today
Reshma received her Master's degree in Sitar from Allahabad University and has received numerous prestigious awards. A gifted musician, her sitar performances span the globe. She has highlighted concerts throughout India, Great Britain, France, Holland, Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Cyprus, Greece, Turkey, Slovenia, Israel and the United States.
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